How do you top off a wonderful weekend that started with a Giant's win over the A's, a Saturday am 5K race in SF (I was the team photographer/ cheerleader, thank you very much), our college kid's b'day lunch celebration (Happy 20th G !), and a 1-1 World Cup US vs. England tie? ( USA! USA!)
Our next stop was the launch of amazing debut YA author Heid R. Kling 's SEA (Putnam/ Penguin Young Readers 2010) at Books, Inc. in Palo Alto, where we ran into a mutual pal Christa, who flew down from Portland for the occasion! SEA hit the shelves on June 10th and look who else turned out for the launch party--
More children's authors and SEA fans, like Linda Joy Singleton (one of my crit group pals) and Cynthia Omololu , plus Heidi's entire writing group--including Debbie Duncan and Cynthia Chin-Lee .
Also in the house--of course, was hostess-with-the-mostess Jennifer Laughran aka @literaticat and Not Your Mother's Book Club @NYMBC. I only wish I'd gotten a pic of their cool cup cakes--tiny orange Converse and sea creatures--and the Indonesian food!
Congrats Heidi! The adventure begins!